Michael Bryant wrote:
From: N8KDV
I just got off the phone with the Ottawa County Circuit Court. I was
advised yet again that I can file for a PPO for you harassing me via
One thing for you to consider as indicated by by the Court:
I will probably have to engage a private investigator to find you. That
will cost money, but find you I will. Rest assured.
Once you are found and the papers served I can then file suit against
you for damages incurred in the filing of the PPO.
That is, you can be found liable for monetary damages.
You might wish to consult at this time with one of your fat ass lawyer
I'd advise it.
Yada, yada, yada. Nothing new. You've said this all before.
Thanks for your response. I'll be calling Louisvillle tomorrow first thing
to engage a private investigator.
You think I'm bull****ting Fat Boy? Wait and see.
I've asked you nicely enough in the past to stop emailing me, and you've
refused, now you are simply SPAM'ing and harassing.