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Old May 12th 04, 06:28 AM
m II
Posts: n/a

Lloyd Davies - The Time Lord wrote:
Please either post them here or e-mail them to me at

Please ask questions within reason.

Have they ever had sex? There sure seems to be a lot of tension between
them. The whole thing is reminiscent of a Barbie and Ken
commercial...and just look..Here's little Tracy running up now...

Lloyd, you play this right and you'll be rich beyond your wildest
dreams. Shortwave NEEDS a scandal sheet, just oozing fresh gossip.
I can see the headlines now...

"OJ admits to menage a trois...perversion hits crazed Educator and
Unemployed drunk!"

"Tracy Fort willing victim in LOVE TRIANGLE SCANDAL"

"N8KDV -or- KGB?" We OUT Alien Agent..

"Human Skull Enhances reception" claims sociopath derelict.

Delinquent "Doctor"'s thesis papers 'missing'. "I dun had 'em" claims
Kentuckian exile..

The Ark of the Covenant was an Alien Radio Receiver!

Cult leader Lare leads followers in ancient Koresh was a
gutless Pansey,

Fort claims 'AK47' license plate number just 'coincidence'. Denies
running guns to LA street gangs.

etc..the possibilities are limitless, go for it!
