"Mediaguy500" wrote in message
However, when they checked , they said the scanner was allowed into Canada
that my shortwave radio was not allowed into Canada.
They told me that radios that tune between 1610 khz and 30 mhz are not
in Canada, and told me that shortwave radios are not legal in Canada and
me that it is ilegal to listen to the international broadcast bands whilee
you're in Canada.
Of course, Canada has several domestic broadcasters in the international
broadcast bands such as CFRX. More than that, many SW receivers were made
in Canada. Rogers and Hallicrafters of Canada were making them, and I'm
sure there were others.
I now think that those Canadian Border Patrol Agents purposely stole my
shortwave radio. But then, why steal a cheap radio?
Corruption has certain requirements, but intelligence is not one of them.
Frank Dresser