Thread: Butternut HF9V
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Old August 26th 04, 07:10 PM
Gary V. Deutschmann, Sr.
Posts: n/a

Hi Phil

Thanks for the name of the Candy Store!

Besides the killer orange, I live very close to the War Zone where the
touchdown BOMBINGS take place, hi hi.....
Thought I was back in Nam until I was told what it was!

My step son is going to school in Memphis, so far he has had one car
stolen, two destroyed beyond FMV by vandals and theives. Far cry from
what it was years ago when I stayed there for a few months.

Of all the years I have been a ham, I never got into to many of what
could be the interesting parts of it. When I first started, all the
locals were on 6 meter AM, my rig was a used Heathkit Sixer
(Lunchbox), just sold it before moving down here to Knoxville, along
with most of my Heathkit gear.
My first 40/80 CW transmitter was a home brew job and I used it for
years. Using a Heath HR10B for the receiver. I finally built an
HW-101 in the early 70's and used it for over 20 years.
It was when I finally burned out on CW that I found the need to
upgrade to something that handled voice a whole lot better. So I
purchased a used 830-S and have been using it ever since.
Plus the array of HT's and old equipment I would keep barely working.
I really hated to let almost everything go, but you just can move 20
years of accumulated junk very easily. I still had 7 trailer loads
when I moved south, but that included one small business I retained

I will probably live out the rest of my days here! It's nice country
now and will probably shift in the area I'm in downward, but I can
hope for the best. I can't visualize having to move again, hi hi.....

I do hope to get back on the air before winter sets in! I finally
made life member status at our local repeater club (no more dues, hi
hi) Then I up and move! Figures.

TTUL - 73+ de Gary - KGØZP