Thread: That's funny
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Old May 13th 04, 03:44 AM
Stephen M.H. Lawrence
Posts: n/a

"Bill Everhart" wrote:

| Now put the word AWipe in your filter. Then you only have to see your
| posts when you post 'em.

Illogical. If you are attempting to indicate that his posts contain
nothing but "AWipe" and he killfiled that term, the opposite would

If, as you are apparently attempting to assert, his posts are "nothing
but Awipe," and he killfiled that phrase, in other words, he would
*not* be reading only his own posts. In fact, he would be reading
*nothing* he posted, because his posts are "full of A Wipe," and he
kill filed "A Wipe."

Think about it...

Get back to me when you've studied this one, and feel free to discuss.
It's Bill Gates 101 stuff, but if you apply yourself, I'm sure you'll see
the light.


Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, Minnesota

(NOTE: My email address has only one "dot."
You'll have to edit out the one between the "7"
and the "3" in my email address if you wish to
reply via email)

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