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Old May 13th 04, 11:08 PM
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Michael 'I wasted my time at school' Bryant wrote:

From: "MnMikew"

And your a debate judge? Funny I didnt read that JD was advocating the
slaughter of innocents. Though, in typical Bryant fashion, you bend his
words to meet your twisted agenda. I feel sorry for any kids who were duped
into signing up for your class.

Then read JD's words. He advocates slaughter of the terrorists and says it's
their fault if civilians get killed, because terrorists hide among civilians.

I advocate the slaughter of terorists too, Fat Boy. So should you!

Elsewise you are a supporter of al-Qaida by proxy.

He clearly places eradication of the terrorists above any concern for
non-terrorist Muslim civilians.

It's a war, **** for brains, and **** happens!

I guess you missed that? Advocacy means being
accountable for inevitable implications.

But hey, you've never had any logic, advocacy or argumentation classes at all,

Heck, most of the population hasn't taken the goofy classes you've taken to get
those virtually worthless degrees.

Most folks have got a life!

Wow. I'm so impressed.

Most folks would think it more impressive than the worthless pieces of paper that
pass for the degrees you have.

You'd have been better off going for the basket weaving stuff... at least you
might have a real skill.

All you got now is a penchant for flapping your jaw!