"Diverd4777" wrote in message
on 7.415,
- Any Idea who she is ??
Didn't have a chance to hear "her".
Judging from her name, and Allan Weiner's open door
policy to let just about any kook have airtime on WBCQ
(which I fully support from an entertainment perspective)
I would guess she is a....
....UFO Contactee Froot-Loop who was too wacky
for even Art Bell/George Noorey C to C
....A professional Dominatrix who conducts live
on the air "slave training" sessions for lonely
travelling American and Japanese Businessmen
....Another Shirley McLaine goofball who was dropped
on her head after climbing out of the baptismal pool
and had a "revelation" from G-d to go out and preach
the word of Ramtha
(my hope it's number 2 above - grin!)