The RCA jack that you had put on the back must be for SW only.
I know Leopard (BTW it's for FM also) but on the 398/909 yahoo group someone
posted a link on th rat shack site, it was what I needed to make it work with
my existing antenna setup.
I don't like it (the adapter) as much as the other for the original antenna
jack, but Justice wasn't embellishing when he said it would be better (that RCA
jack and whatever he added to or bypassed with it) than the original.
I was hearing things on SW during the day, nothing really important or anything
that sticks out/particular freq. I just know that certain parts of the spectrum
were more 'alive' with the RCA jack antenna. I'll now be able to put up a
better bigger antenna without fear of overloading the front end of *having* to
back my gain down ALL THE TIME to hear something either durng the daytime or on
the 60 meter band with the static crashes that it s known for.
The adapter is cat#274-871 Mono-to-Mono Phone-to-phono Shielded Plug
Adapter/accepts1/8" mono mini phone plug/fits rca phono jack:$3.99 Gold Plated
Inline Adapter was the main name on the website.
I wished there was 'chord' with it except just a 'piece/adapter' but I guess I
can live with it, you can't see it anyhow.
As for the BCB I know that it 'says' it shuts off MW, but maybe I have the
right one or it was soldered backwards or whatever, but it works well on MW on
the wire. But that isn't a concern for me because if I use the 398 to DX and
log for qsl, the antenna and all that will be unplugged and sat on the lazy
susan table and I have the choice of two real nice performing loops, that's not
even countin the two rat shack loops I have.
So I have the BCB covered. Something I noticed and really like is that with the
new speaker and all the extra filtering and front end work etc. etc. I leave
the tone/voice set on 'music' now instead of 'news' which I ALWAYS kept it on,
even if I was listening to music on the VOT or some other middle eastern
But the voices sound so much fuller and richer now even when in just talking,
that I'll leave it there. And guys, if you've never had a *Sky Blue* or *Ocean
Blue* LCD you just have too get it or change it over, it is incredible.
Before, I had to lean over to see or at night I had my mini-mag sitting next to
it, but now I can sit at the monitor and just turn my head. It is soooooooo
bright that I've read some people are using it for a nightlight, which I won't,
but that gives you an idea to the difference.
I am spoiled nown compared to the crapola green that most manufacturers are
staus quo with on their LCD's- why in the world wouldn't they put these in
instead-is it that much of a price difference.
As for my modded 398, the jury is still out, but first impressions have been
very nice and I'd recommend it if you have been thinking of going with CJustice
at RadioLabs.
~^Monitoring The Spectrum^~
Hammarlund HQ129X /Heathkit Q Multiplier
Hammarlund HQ140X
Multiple GE P-780's(GREAT BCB Radios)
RCA Victor *Strato- World*
RCA Victor RJC77W-K(Walnut Grain)
1942 Zenith Wave Magnet 6G 601M
Cathedral/ Ross#2311/Rhapsody-MultiBand
OMGS Transistor Eight/Realistic 12-1451
Henry Kloss Model One/Bell+Howell
Alpha Delta DX Sloper 57ft.
500ft. 12AWG. (non-terminated)
120ft. 12 AWG Long-Wire
2 Radio Shack Loop Antennas
Radio Shack Amplified Antenna
30X30 DiamondLoop(six section 830pf Cap)
* Diamond Loop mounted to Lazy Susan TurnTable*