"Soames123" wrote in message
A report that argues global warming is a greater threat to world
security than
terrorism and predicts a warming future where "disruption and
conflict will be
endemic features of life," may sound like it came from a radical
group - but it didn't.
Unless you consider the Pentagon a radical environmental group.
This has been out for awhile but it's legitimate with two
qualifications. The report was not really produced by the Pentagon
per se but by a consultant under a commission. This isn't that big a
deal, but to say it "came from" the Pentagon is a slight stretch.
AFAIK, the report did not say that this degree of global
warming is preventable in the sense that "man-made" (as opposed to
"natural") events are driving the issue. Expect a lot of attention
to this problem after "The Day After Tomorrow" hits the theaters. I
wonder if Art Bell is getting any points on the net revenue.