On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 12:19:37 GMT, Dick, AA5VU hath writ:
I just got back from Home Depot and the sell some treated (nasty
smelling) 2 x 2 deck post that are 3 feet long for $.99 each. I will be
using one at the top and one at the bottom to keep the antenna wire away
from the tower. I stripped the old stuff off the tower this week and
hope to have the 160 meter Inverted-L for RTTY up in a week or so. I am
getting too old for this tower climbing stuff. HiHi
I certainly hope you can personally select the posts you buy.
You, of course, don't wany any with knots in them!
And, _that_ may be why they are $.99 each. HI!HI!
In a similar thread, I suggested the use of fiberglass replacement
tool handles. Something like a grass rake handle should Fit The Bill.
That's what I use for a stand-off (stand-away?) for the mid-point of my
75M/40M Inverted Vee's. I painted it "Rohn Grey" before installing it.
I was Very Lucky: When I went to the local ACE H/W Store, they _gave_
me a cut-off for free. Seems they got a shipment of Very Defective
shovels, and headquarters told them not to send them back -- but,
rather, to cut the handles off the shovels (which were the defective
component -- they split [!!] down the center under heavy, but reasonable
use) and to toss'em in the dumpster. Well, the folks at the ACE here
are about as commited a set of scroungers as I am. They threw out
the shovels and stored the handles in a large barrel in the back lot.
73 es gl
| Marvin L Jones | jonz | W3DHJ | linux
| Gunnison, Colorado | @ | Jonesy | OS/2 __
| 7,703' -- 2,345m | config.com | DM68mn SK