Dan wrote:
On Tue, 18 May 2004 11:33:44 -0500, Al Arduengo
11835 at 0130 UTC
I was listening to BBC World Service and listened to about a half hour of
comedy. It was about human's perspective about animals. It included bits
of many different comedian's acts. Very funny but I could not find the
show title in Passport. Anyone know?
Yeah, I heard that too. It was this:
Light Entertainment: Fanshawe Gets To The Bottom Of...
Broadcaster Simon Fanshawe brings a cornucopia of comedy, quotations,
literature and laughter to BBC World Service. Assisted by Bill Wallis.
This week he gets to the bottom of...The Animal Kingdom
Great show.
THanks for this info. Where did you find it if I may ask? BBC webpage?