Thread: Htx-100 Mic
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Old August 30th 04, 10:45 PM
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"Bert" ..The HTX-100 is not a phone only rig it does CW as well .... 73
"Bert Craig" wrote in message
I have an extra and would be glad to send it to you, free of charge,
Richard. It's brand new too, just say the word.

The rig was given to me as a gift and the generous giver had no way of
knowing that he was giving a phone-only rig to a CW addict. ;-)

73 de Bert
"Richard" wrote in message
I have a Radio Shack model HTX-100 Ten meter transceiver, brand new and

never been used, still in the box. The problem is that I do not have a
microphne for
it and would like to know what other mic could be wired for this radio.
Pin input is a 8 pin connecter, would any up and down button mic work.
After searching the net I have learned that the mic for this rig has two
buttons on it
For searching the memory channels, up or down.
Please help ..... Richard.