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Old May 26th 04, 01:13 PM
Al Patrick
Posts: n/a

Go to

In "advance Search" type stereo

Select Sony brand

Leave the price range blank.

I have an older XR3750 that has served me VERY well for years.


Go to Google. Type in Sony & XR & stereo & SW

You might be surprised what you find.



James Boyk wrote:

How does one see that it handles SW? I don't see any specs on the page
you cite, nor any link to click on.

James Boyk

Al Patrick wrote:

Ken Finney wrote:

I'm in the market for a couple of car radios, and I must that peculiar
because I can't find anything I like from a human factors
perspective. It
would be REALLY nice if it received SW also. Given the number of
companies making small SW radios, I wish one of them would repackage
a good one into a auto-friendly package. I may try doing that to one
of my
old Radio Shack radios.