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Old September 2nd 04, 06:58 AM
Hal Rosser
Posts: n/a

Used 300-ohm with no problem - but remember to use strain relief at

"folio" wrote in message
from Gilles ve2lx

1st time on REC group

I just install temporary an invert dipole feeded with ((( tv twinlead
300 ohm )))

actually I have no RF interferences from 160 to 12 m (but only low on 10

but no more usable anyway ) compare to my end fed I used before...!

antenna length is 66 ft or 33 ft each side and feeder length about 48
ft...the dipole is parralele to the back of the 20 appartement's house

the full SFC remote coupler or tuner ( builted only for wire tuning ) is
my tuner is on the back galery 8 ft from radio on 3 rd floor a little
the steel hand rail...!

((( I seen many article on internet and on tech reference )))

when it is humid, damp periode, snow and so on there might be a great
variation of swr during these conditions......?

((( Is there some one on the groupe that used ))) 300 ohm feeder with a
dipole for a
long periode especially during fall and winter to learn about that type


wishing to ear soon

Gilles ve2lx

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