Somebody said, I can't tell who (or is that whom?):
I know you 'have a thing' about the SWR meter not measuring SWR.
I have an ohm-meter. It doesn't 'measure' ohms. It actually measures
How many 'meters' actually measure what we say they measure?
So these used to measure magnetic drag on a conducting cup of a transmission
output monitoring rotary cable and therefore should be called a
Lets see. One versions I am familiar with measures the number of free
balls passing a given point in a circulary disposed tube while following the
movement of a liquid and therefore is a:
Fbpagpiacdt-o-meter, I guess..
And this turky measures the revolutions of the first thingy.
Kill-ommeter? (as pronounced by thickies - ugh!)
Don't you mean Kill-o-meter?
Woops! Does anyone sell these meters???
Besides we say cent-a-meter
And... and... an ohm-meter is really an "incorrectly calibrated am-meter",
as is a volt-meter. Then is an am-meter a "magnetic field produced by a
coil", or an MFPBAC-o-meter ???
Methinks thou splitteth hairs.
How come we say ther-mom-eter and speed-om-eter and o-dom-eter and
comp-tom-eter, but we don't say ohm-om-eter, volt-om-eter nor am-om-eter...
And how come we say "how come" when we mean "why do"????
And why is a "K" 1000 in our world and a "K" 1024 in the digital world
except for hard drives where a meg is 1,000,000....
....and why am I here... for those who like rhetoricals.
Someone needs something serious to think/talk/post about.
Hmmmm. Me thinketh there needs to be a troll-o-meter, or would it be a
Boy! spell check sure didn't like this post!
Steve N, K,9;d, c. i My email has no u's. and no meters either.