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Old January 20th 05, 12:00 PM
Trev 999
Posts: n/a

Cheers Warren, the IC706 is about $1000 dearer, that would take a lot or
performance boost to match the price difference. I might pay a couple of
hundred for the HTX100 as its a 30 watt unit by the looks.

"43PC122" wrote in message
G'day Trev, from what I've seen on the net , they're going 2nd hand in the
US for around 50 - 60 US Dollars, there's one on ebay too, in the US, link
below, I personally don't know what they perform like, I have had other
Realistic products and put it this way, you only get what you pay for, and
sometimes not even that lol, I agree with DR RASTIS FAF00FNIK posting on
ICOM 706MKIIG except for the price difference, new from Andrews
Communications is $1399.00 AUD, and they still go for around $1200 on ebay
at end of bidding, bloody good radio though I've had mine for about 4
now and very happy with it, choosing a radio depends on what your are
it for and how often, and ofcourse the bloody bank account always plays a
big part in the decision lol , Cheers for now, Warren 43PC122

"Trev 999" wrote in message
Is the Radio Shack/Realistic HTX100 10M transciever, any good?
I'm thinking of buying one.