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Old June 4th 04, 04:12 AM
Les &/or Claire
Posts: n/a

Brian Hill wrote:
Several years ago my little sis had a band. There was her and four
other little renagade chicks and they asked me what would be a good
name for their group. I said get two more members and call yourself
Monostat 7. I had to hightail it priiiity fast!


Hmmmmm....... now i've found out what the stuff is..... i'm suprised where
you colonials take your cultural icons from, not enough cotton underwear
worn over there I guess. Too much nylon.......... see handy tips below!

""Some females have chronic low grade yeast infections that flare up after
sex or after every menstrual period. In this case, buy Monostat 7
suppositories, use one after your period or after sex. Also, do not wear
tight jeans, panty hose or panties with a nylon crotch. These keep the body
heat contained, triggering a repeat infection. ""

I've discovered that someones beaten you to it on the music front

and it's appeared in lyrics too!

LIL' KIM (f/ Reeks, Bunky S.A., Vee of The Advocates) LYRICS

Tha Beehive

Baby girl's pussy get wetter than a shower cap
Got my mans back like a Jansport napsack
And Queen Bee gon' bring you nothin' but heat
Homicide is lookin' for me for killin' these beats
You in the wrong department, this the upperclass section
You hoes is startin' to irritate me like a yeast infection
Good heavens, somebody get the Monostat 7
And hit me why don'tcha, hit me why don'tcha
The boss lady, I hold it down for my badies
Rappers better run and hide 'cause here comes the Beehive

And even in this sit com that is popular in the colonies I beleive!

How about "Yeast 17" Heh Heh!!



"Homo sapiens, the first truly free species, is about to decommission
natural selection, the force that made us.... Soon we must look deep
within ourselves and decide what we wish to become." Edward O. Wilson
Consilience, The Unity of Knowledge

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