For what ever reason, somethings always do well in NYC.
So the Question becomes: How will it Play in Peoria ?
= = = "Frank Dresser" wrote in message
= = = ...
"For example, among listeners from 25 and 54, whom advertisers covet, the
network estimates it drew an average listener share (roughly a percentage of
listeners) of 3.4 on WLIB in April, from 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekdays,
according to the company's extrapolation of figures provided by Arbitron for
the three months ended in April. (Arbitron, which does not provide ratings
in monthly increments, said the network's methodology appeared sound,
although such figures were too raw to translate to numbers of listeners.) "
"By contrast, according to Air America's figures, WABC-AM drew an average
share of 3.2 during the same period in April for the same age group. That
time period includes the three hours in which Mr. Limbaugh was pitted head
to head against Mr. Franken"
Looks like I was wrong about Air America's ratings, at least at the start
up. I didn't much like most of the hosts(although I thought Franken was OK)
and I thought they would turn off listeners. Well, Air America says more
people in the New York area listened to Franken, rather than Limbaugh.
The article is mostly about Air America's rotten business start-up.
Frank Dresser