If you value radio, this may be the last and only chance to have your
voice heard to stop BPL from destroying your hobby. The FCC has extended
the comment period for BPL.
It is VERY simple to file a FCC comment. Click the link below and enter
in box #1 (proceeding number) and fill in the blanks. The simplest way to
comment is to type your comment into the box on the bottom of the form.
If you can't think of any thing to type or wish to make this as painless
as possible, you can cut-n-paste the comment I typed below.
In Writing, I wish to persuade the FCC from allowing BPL to be
implemented. The destruction or at the least, deterioration of the
shortwave bands is not only a violation of ITU laws that protect
international broadcasters from interference and jamming, it will be
destroying many people's life hobby. Amateur radio will be reduced to
users with high-power amplifiers and large antennas. Emergency
communications will be hindered to levels directly responsible for the
loss of life.
There are many technologies that make BPL unnecessary. BPL will never be
able to carry the high bandwidth demands for mass distribution of video
much less the up-and-coming HDTV.
Please do not destroy the foundation of radio communication for a unneeded
technology that is only a band-aid and hindrance to the advancement of
broadband technology.