The transmissions took
place on 1-26-04 staring at 0:5:00 UTC. The frequency was 11.176 mhz, USB.
The conversation is between SNOWBALL NET and another station. We assume
SNOWBALL is the network operator.
Here is a transcript:
SNOWBALL NET: Snowball Net comms check. All stations, clock sync, (pause)
impact at minus 146 days, 5 hours UTC. Standby for ACC link (could have been
well let's look at this. Jan 26 is Julian day 26 in 2004. And 0500 UTC is
midnight EST.
146 days later is Julian day 172, which I figure to be Sunday June 27, but I'm
not sure how to figure in the 5 hours, uness they mean midnight EST (but is it
June 27 or 28?).
No astronomical event would happen exactly at midnight EST, so I suspect that
it's the beginning of some pre-July 4th week event.
Could there be world-wide coordinated terrorist attacks on July 4, and that we
go on high alert a week early?