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Old June 5th 04, 09:59 PM
Posts: n/a

I noticed that there is a trend towards blue LED's, and this is a
very bad idea.

I can't agree. I like blue backlighting, if it's not too dim. Not owning a
DE1102, I can't 'disagree' with your experience with its backlight, and
wouldn't pretend to. Perhaps it is too dim for you, not so for others.
I always like to modify and adjust the backlights on my radios anyway, if the
stock display is fatiguing or annoying. You may wish to go into your DE1102 and
change those LEDs to amber or some warmer, brighter color which serves your
eyes better than the stock blue does.
I find myself going the opposite direction, for example, the stock amber/orange
LEDs on my R75 were always glaringly annoying to me, so I eventually changed
them to green, then reversed the polarization filter on the LCD so that now
it's a dark background with bright alphanumerics, and THEN I swapped out the
green LEDs for white LEDs, which gives a sort of dark/deep blue background with
white alphanumerics... and in front of this, I can use any color of filter I
want, so one day it's red, another green, blue, purple, whatever suits me that
day. Now THAT is a flexible display modification, and has given me much better
results and avoidance of fatigue or eyestrain.
I've never liked amber/orange backlights much, so most of my display modifying
has been predicated on that personal taste. But that's just me.