maria wrote in message ...
As a SW listener, how will this affect what I can hear and locate? Can
someone send me the basics as to what this FCC action is? Does it only
affect certain mhz? My email address is above. I get a lot of terrible
spam, so please make sure you include the subject title or one I will
recognize as I frequently just have to select all and delete.
Potentially BPL can destroy both SWLing and HF ham radio. For detailed
info dial into
Brian w3rv
Charlie wrote:
Here's the text I entered - feel free to cut / paste / modify, etc.
Dear Commissioners, I wish to express my opposition to Broadband Over Power
Line (BPL).
My opposition is based on the interference to the Amateur Radio service and
to those listening to shortwave radio.
The Amateur Radio service was a valuable service on 9/11, providing
communications backup and helping survivors contact loved ones. Given the
current terrorist threat we now face, I believe that it is unreasonable to
hamper this valuable - and free - resource with a known source of
Further, it is simply unnecessary. While I'm sure that the power companies
are looking for a new profit center, that is insufficient reason to allow
them to run roughshod over others who don't have the enormous budgets for
political lobbyists. There are other alternatives available for broadband
that don't interfere with other services, including cable, DSL and
satellites services such as DirectWay.
Thanks you for considering my petition.
Charlie, KS1C