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Old June 6th 04, 11:28 PM
Tony Meloche
Posts: n/a

J999w wrote:

... ROCKS !

I've got this 70 ft high oak tree in the back yard and have always used it for
wires, but have struggled getting up past the 40 or 45 ft mark. Well, I finally
got smart, went out and bought a new fishing rod, and after a couple of tries
using my "Wrist Rocket", I slung a nut/bolt/washers over the TOP of the tree
with ease. YEAH ! THAT's what I'm talking about !!

I then pulled up some nylon cord, and followed that with a twisted pair of #20
wire, soldered together at the end (was either that or #14 house wire). The
wire slopes down to the basement window, then in, through an antenna tuner,
then to the radio.

First off, it looks awesome. It starts at 2 ft above ground and slopes up at
about 45 degrees into the sky (okay, about 70ft). Secondly, it works better! I
think the antenna tuner is a big part of the equation.

On the AM BCB, now during the day I've got semi-local 1540khz WTKM at S9+30db
on my Yaesu FT-767gx. With what was my best antenna, a 55ft piece of hardline
hung in a pine tree, it was S9 at best. Last night, signals above 1500khz (the
lowest my tuner will go right now) were S9+40db. Unreal.

Tuning around last night amonst all the static crashes I heard (tentatively) La
Voz del Napo (new for me), 3279.55khz, from Equador at about S9 (crashes to
30db over S9). R. Mauritanie on 4845khz was an incredible S9+40db. CFRX,
6070khz, is S9 in the daytime. Higher up, I'm not sure how it's working yet,
but I'm hearing R. Hungary at sign on, 1700z, 15,335khz and I was working
Japan and Australia on 20m CW last night.

Will do some further testing and A/B comparisons, but so far, this aerial is a
winner !


John Wilke

It isn't *always* true, but it is *largely* true that the higher your
antenna, the better the signal. Except when it isn't ;)
Congratulations, John!


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