June 7th 04, 04:33 PM
Handheld: VR-500
Tabletop: VR-5000
wrote in message
I once had a scanner that could get shortwave but it was a godawful
performer on SW. (selectivity and sensitivity) The main thing I bought
it for is that I passed through OJ's old housing project in San
Francisco on a bus and I saw a buncha kids selling something on the
street using cell phones and the scanner I got was one of the last
ones sold in the U.S. that got cell phones without any modifications.
I also thought maybe I would hear about a merger or something and I
could do some insider trading and get rich.
Two weeks of listening to "honey I'll be home in half an hour" and
"we've got a TV repair order at 252 Balboa Street" did more to turn me
off cell phone monitoring than any number of laws.
I don't need to say this here but don't say anything that you don't
want the word to hear when talking on a cell phone or a wireless phone
connected to a landline. At one time, I could pick up what I think was
a restaurant reading credit cards just past 1600 kHz and I recently
picked up a neighbor at the low end of the FM band (second harmonic)
but she was just talking about TV programming and other banal stuff.