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Old June 8th 04, 07:45 AM
m II
Posts: n/a

yea right wrote:
If you value radio, this may be the last and only chance to have your
voice heard to stop BPL from destroying your hobby. The FCC has extended
the comment period for BPL.

It is VERY simple to file a FCC comment. Click the link below and enter


in box #1 (proceeding number) and fill in the blanks. The simplest way to
comment is to type your comment into the box on the bottom of the form.

I don't know if this has been mentioned before or not. There is
another problem other than interference. It's an IMPORTANT and
perhaps fatal drawback.

If a line or two goes down, not only do you lose power, but also the
means to communicate. Emergency messages will NOT get through to
anyone connected via this setup. They will STILL need regular
broadcast signals via radio or television.

In the worst case scenario, you'd lose email, phone, radio AND tv
all at once. With converging technologies, this is altogether too

Will the government carry the burden of responsibilty should someone
be killed or hurt because of this 'broadband initiative'?

I do not have a United States address, so I can not send this
suggestion myself. Please distribute this concern also. I hope it
will be noticed by the communications commitee.

mike II