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Old June 8th 04, 11:37 AM
Les &/or Claire
Posts: n/a

Telamon wrote:
In article ,
"Les &/or Claire" wrote:


Is it really any wonder why the whole ****ing planet hates you lot.


You know what they say "less is more."


Typical american reaction, a little criticism and you avoid it. It's what
you as a country do as a whole. Plonk any views that are not your own.
Your news media does it, your all doing it right now with Ronald Reagan.
Making him out to be some kind of hero when in reality his administration
was the most corrupt this century. Arms to Iran... remember?

Even the bush administration said when Al jazeera broadcast the first
reports of abu grahib that americans should "change the channel" and watch
government sanctioned news media.

You should start questioning your government, think for yourselves. Stop
hiding from alternative views. Evaluate, research, decide. You may be being
lied to........



"Homo sapiens, the first truly free species, is about to decommission
natural selection, the force that made us.... Soon we must look deep
within ourselves and decide what we wish to become." Edward O. Wilson
Consilience, The Unity of Knowledge

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