(J999w) wrote in message ...
I was a member of the old [LOOPS] list then suddenly it's changed over to the
Great and powerful GCC Loop Super List run by Steve, RHF, Robert (all who have
no last names I guess), and of course the G.C.C.
What the heck is G.C.C. ?? The link given gives no hints.
I have interest in loop antennas, but I have no interest in staying with a list
that can't state who is actually running it.
Hi, John. I was also on that list. Right after he threatened to shut
the list down because of spammers (I only saw 2) I went to the list
address and Yahoogroups said no such list!
After a couple of hours stewing on it, I created a new list with the
original name, loopantennas.
Much later that day I got a message from Adam (the only list-owner of
what is now gccloopantennadesign) and realized he'd only changed the
What followed was a rather odd exchange in which at first he was
threatening, then effusive, and now vaguely threatening. "I will get
you back..." were the words. What for, I don't know.
The upshot is that I don't want the risk of the entire archive of
links, messages, files, etc. disappearing on someone's whim. He's
threatened to shut down some of his lists before, complaining about
arguing and people leaving. I never did see any arguing or missing
messages to indicate deleted list mail. So I'm putting the links I
saved from the old list into the "new" loopantennas list. There are
only 29 members so far, but it's growing fast. Open membership, only
new members are moderated.
And I'm the list-owner of the "new" loopantennas, the only one, no
other moderators at this point. I'm just some guy, no fake
organizations or companies.
I -won't- be changing the list color scheme to blue on green. And any
spammers will be dealt with quietly and minimum of fuss. I figure it's
better to have to delete a spam or two that may slip through per month
than burn down the house trying to kill a couple of mosquitos.
I already own/moderate 15 successful groups with a combined membership
of over 5,500 members, including Homebrew_PCBs, Mad_Scientist,
Electronics_101, etc.
GCC stands for Global Communications Commission, it appears to be a
club. I think it's a role-playing thing.
I wish the best of luck to gccloopantennadesign. I am not trying to
steal anyone away, although I hope as many as possible join
loopantenna. I just want a list where I don't have to worry that the
entire thing will suddenly disappear or that I'll get kicked off
without notice for no cause.
Steve Greenfield