Hey Curmudgeon,
You or "the captain" into meditation?
The next time you feel like playing "net nanny" for us, first try cooling
down with this little mantra. It goes like this.... Just say.
Repeat this over and over, and you'll get a blinding flash of insight about
yourselves that the many of us already see. I promise.
-- Stinger
"Curmudgeon" curmudg@eon wrote in message
On 10 Jun 2004 12:48:53 -0700, (the captain) wrote:
I would like to thank you so much for putting Lare in his place. I am
glad to see I am not the only one fighting for decency in a mad world.
No problem. From now on everything he says is under scrutiny and if it is
not on topic or if it is disrespectful a complaint goes out to his ISP.
Sooner or later they will tire of him and his account will be history.
curmudg@eon (Curmudgeon) wrote in message
And then for some mysterious reason Michael Bryant and Steve Lare both
begin acting like adults again and the noise level goes down to zero.
Steve Lare = Michael Bryant They are one in the same schizophrenic.