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Old June 11th 04, 02:11 AM
Clark Neider
Posts: n/a

"-=jd=-" wrote in message
On Thu 10 Jun 2004 09:04:10a, "beaver" wrote in
message :

"Charlie B." wrote in message
I own a Drake R8B receiver and am looking for a reasonably price
control software package. I'm using the Smart 32 R8 from Fineware but
it expires soon. The ERGO software looks good
but after downloading the DEMO from the WWW it wont work ,sayimng the
demo is expired.I'd purchase it but probably would have a problem if it

didnt work.
Does anyone know of a windows based package that is avaiulble.


There's a freeware program called SWLOG that has radio control for R8A &
R8B. I've tested it on R8A and it works fine using XP. You will
probably have to update some Windows system files. Ergos and SWLOG both haveYahooGroups.

SWLOG's pretty nice. It's the log-prog I've settled on. But you have to
install the .Net framework and some folks are antsy about things they
don't know about. I have had *zero* problems with it on my XP box and
overall I'm very pleased. It does have many features, control of various
radios being one sub-set. For all it does and how it does it, I'd
recommend it for consideration by anyone who's looking around for such

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You guys are AWESOME! I'm having the same problem since upgrading my PC and
software to Windows XP. Smart R8 was fine on Windows 2000, but it's
sluggish on XP. It was great while Mr. Fine supported it with program
updates and all the neat stuff. I'll try SWLOG. Extra points if it
generates reception reports.

I'm also looking for something to replace ScanCat 7.5. The current version
is supposed to support XP, but not in my shack.

BTW, doesn't it bother Drake users that Drake doesn't have software to
support it's R8's in the 21st Century? The original version I used on DOS
and Windows 3.1 is worthless. I'm surprised they haven't kept up with the

Clark KK7DY