Hi Toney:
SSB is usually a " just shortwave only " feature;
USB is the preferred mode..
Say you're listening to 12.095 ( BBC from ascencion Island off Africas west
and a Telex transmission starts..
the telex is usually on 12.090 or so, and bleeds into 12.095
- SO...
YOu put your set into SSB and presto ! interference is mostly gone.
Air traffic uses USB also, and Pirates too..
- So SSB, it's a good thing to have,
but an external antenna is better ;
- So have fun !!
In article , "Bob" writes:
Subject: newbie question
From: "Bob"
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 14:12:38 -0700
I'm about to get a Sangean ats505, but it has sbs only over SW, not MW or
FM. I'm fairly new to SW. How much am I missing not have sbs over MW or FM,
assuming I want to pick up stuff like hams, pirates, as well as utilities?