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Old June 12th 04, 01:50 AM
Posts: n/a

"{FireArm}" wrote in message
Hi, i want to buy my first shortwave radio, in addition to listening
to some of the more powerfull stations, i really want to listen to
some of the distant stations, (i belive this is called DXing?) anyway
i was wondering what would be a good radio for this type of stuff,
would i need an antenna on my roof? or anything -


Hiya :-)

If your interested in getting started, I'd say you could get yourself a nice
a portable radio. The two that I would recommend would be the Sony 7600gr

and the Grundig YB-400

Both radios are highly regarded. Price on both is about $150.00

You don't need an elaborate antenna, either. I don't know of those radios
are being sold with an external reel antenna included, but you can pick one
up for under $20.00. If you want to rig up your own antenna, all you need
is an alligator clip and a cheep spool of hook-up wire.

You'll be able to hear the big boys and do some DX'ing with either of those
two radios.

After you spend some time experimenting with a portable and perhaps decide
to get a more expensive and complex receiver, you'll have a better idea at
that time of just how much you like the hobby and how much more you want to

Then, it is on to the table top receivers.



Location: New Jersey
Primary Receiver: R-75 with full Kiwa mods
Antennas: G5RV, 200ft "Frankenstein" roof wire
Additional Radios: KA-1101,KA-1102,PL-550,
KA-989, Info-Mate 837, GE-SR III
Westinghouse H-104 (seven tube)
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