({FireArm}) wrote in
Hi, i want to buy my first shortwave radio, in addition to listening
to some of the more powerfull stations, i really want to listen to
some of the distant stations, (i belive this is called DXing?) anyway
i was wondering what would be a good radio for this type of stuff,
would i need an antenna on my roof? or anything -
If you want to DX shortwave broadcasts, and want to receive anything
besides powerful broadcasters like the BBC, you'll need an outdoor wire
antenna, or at least one away from your house and electrical devices. I
use about a 30 foot horizontal wire inside the rafters of my detached
garage, and feed it with 100 ft of TV coax to my house. You may find
this article on antennas useful, I certainly did a few months ago when
in the same position as you:
You'll probably also want a radio with SSB support.
You can read about some of the less expensive radios in the reviews at
www.radiointel.com . I'm assuming you don't want to go all-out and buy
a $1000 radio, so a portable with digital tuning is a good start.
Some of these are available off of ebay, or from
The "Modern Shortwave Receiver Survey" may be useful to you, not all
radios are in it: