On Mon, 6 Sep 2004 06:51:01 -0500, "Richard Fry" wrote:
"Walter Maxwell"
When I bought the tx for new BC stn WCEN in 1948
it was from Gates Radio in Quincy. Is it possible that
Geoff's business is a spinoff from Gates?
Yes, Harris-Intertype (later just "Harris Corp") bought Gates Radio, lock,
stock and barrel -- not a spinoff.
Don Peterson, developing the use of TDR for finding discontinuities
in RF feed lines for TV. He developed a kit for use in the field for
locating ghost problems in the lines connecting the tx to the antenna.
Were you aware of Don's work in this area?
Vaguely. My primary contact and mentor was Dr Matti Siukola, lead engineer
at RCA's antenna lab and test range at Gibbsboro, NJ. Under his direction I
was responsible for updating and improving the VHF and UHF RF pulse test
sets used by RCA Field Service.
At the RCA Labs antenna lab Dr. Siulola's name was held in reverence, but I
never had the opportunity to meet him. After initially being at the RCA Labs
antenna lab I originated the antenna lab at the new RCA Labs spinoff division,
the Astro-Electronics Div, which produced the world's first weather satellite,
TIROS 1, of which I developed the entire antenna system. However, I began that
development at the RCA Labs antenna lab prior to the AED spinoff. I was working
there along with Jess Epstein, of the Brown, Lewis, and Epstein group who
performed the ground radial experiment that set the FCC standards for radials
that still exist today.
I also spent time at the Moorestown antenna lab, working on the development of
the Lunar Rover dish antennas. On its finish I performed all the final pattern,
gain, and ellipticity measurements prior to shipping them to NASA.