Don Brady wrote:
I really don't hear buzzing at all. Sound is fine on BBC, RCI,
Deursche Welle, even weak station too.
Not buzzing, but a cycling of a buzzy quality to the audio. This is "the
shortwave sound," but my home ICF-2010 eliminates it when I turn on synchronous
detection; and having gotten spoiled that way, I find listening without it
tiring. On the other hand, Keith Carcasole VA3DRS of (from
whom I bought the radio, and whose service was excellent by the way) writes
that, "Synchronous detection...may actually be detrimental in a vehicle. When
sync is lost which may happen frequently when on the move, the radio may hunt
for sync and this could be both annoying and distracting." This is some comfort.
Still, I'd like to have the choice.
James Boyk