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Old June 16th 04, 04:54 AM
Frank White
Posts: n/a

In article , says...

= = = (Frank White) wrote in message
= = = ...
In article ,

Hi all. I'm new to this board, and shortwave in general.

My wife bought me the above mentioned unit back in March for my
birthday. She purchased it from Radio Shack. It works very well. Now,
we live in a college residence hall (she has a job as an assistant
hall director), and it has very thick walls, etc. Usually our FM
reception sucks, AM is almost non-existent. However, the Grundig pulls
in FM very well, and can get some AM. However, it really does great on
shortwave! I use the supplied reel antenna, place it in the window,
and have heard China Radio International, Voice of Russia, BBC from
South Africa, etc. Don't know where all the negative comments about
this radio come from, because I really like it.

The Yachtboy 400 is considered one of the two top portable SW


The Grundig Yacht Boy 400 PE is the 'most often sold'
AM/FM Shortwave Radio in the North American Market.

It is a good radio, but in the Price Range there are better radios.

It's success is in the Grundig Brand Name and ETON Corps. marketing
expertise and distribution; the key element of which is the fact
that RadioShack Sells Them )

jm2cw ~ RHF

It is good to have opinions.