Stephen schrieb:
"Michael" wrote in message
Asside from my GE SRIII, my KA1102 is the best portable that I have ever had
for mw. At times, I still prefer to use the KA1102 for mw over the SRIII
because it is digital.
Does anyone know how it compares (on MW performance) with its analog
sibling, the WRX911 (which also gets some favorable comments)?
The WRX911 (a Kailong/Kaito "original",
AFAIK) is not in any way related
to the KA1102, which is a rebranded Degen DE1102. Thus, "sibling" does
not really apply. Both radios are very different overall (full-featured
"digital" portable with dual conversion, SSB reception and selectable
filters vs. broadcast-only single conversion analog).
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PC#6: i440BX, 1xP3-500E, 512 MiB, 18+80 GB, R9k AGP 64 MiB, 110W
This is a SCSI-inside, Legacy-plus, TCPA-free computer

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