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Old September 7th 04, 07:51 PM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Richard Harrison wrote:
Standing waves display interference between incident and reflected waves
whiich ideally have in-phase and out-of-phase constituents.

In the following, the interference term equals zero.

XMTR--------1/8WL 50 ohm lossless coax------291.5 ohm load

Forward power = 100w, reflected power = 50w.

Vf = 70.7v at zero degrees, If = 1.4a at zero degrees

Vr = 50v at 90 degrees, Ir = 1.0a at -90 degrees


Vtot = SQRT(Vf^2+Vr^2) = 86.6v over-voltage condition

Itot = SQRT(If^2+Ir^2) = 1.72a over-current condition

The phase angle between Vtot and Itot is about 70.4 degrees,
i.e. the source sees a highly reactive impedance.

Vtot is NOT in phase with Vf, Itot is NOT in phase with If,
Vtot is NOT in phase with Itot. Vf is NOT in phase with Vr.
No two voltages are in phase. No two currents are in phase.
73, Cecil

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