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Old June 23rd 04, 05:58 PM
m II
Posts: n/a

Diverd4777 wrote:

In article rH8Cc.2857$HS3.2767@edtnps84, m II

In a few years 'deficient' will mean someone who didn't vote for you.


- Don't laugh..

In the 20's in the south, the Government
diagnosed Malnutrition as a
genetic disorder,
put the men on farms ( & I believe ) sterilized many of them

The provincial government of Alberta, Canada and many other places in
the commonwealth regularly practiced forced sterilization of people they
thought were off balance. It was all medically approved, with NO
recourse to the courts. Legislation was changed in the early nineteen

Around that time some elderly people disappeared and when their
neighbours started to question their whereabouts it was found that the
government had institutionalized them for their own good. NO public
announcement OR court appearances needed. The Royal Canadian Mounted
Police were used to round up these 'undesirables., Note the similarities
to secret arrest.

The sterilization was done in the name of bettering the species.
Eugenics. When the Nazis do it, it's evil. When WE do it, it's healthy.
Hypocrisy at it's finest.

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