= = = "Mark S. Holden" wrote in message
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Hi Frank
I think this is getting blown out of proportion by critics.
I am concerned it could develop into a bloated program, but there is already a federal mental health program in place based on block grants. While it's a limited system, it does what it's supposed to do pretty well.
Mental health is already a growing industry - getting people who need help treatment sooner will make it more efficient.
I expect the mandatory part of this to be offering the tests to everyone. (Making them them available)
One benefit of this will be people will start to realize mental health is part of the big picture of health.
Depression screening might be included in schools much like hearing and vision tests are.
Here's an on line depression screening test:
A google search will bring up others.
Depression is the most common form of mental illness, and while they're still learning, (as they are about just about every branch of medicine) they've got treatments that work pretty well. Part of the problem is many people who are depressed don't
realize they could be treated, or they're afraid the stigma of being treated would hurt them in the future. Consider what happened to Thomas Eagleton.
As for Ritalin, I'm not sure what the deal is in your neck of the woods, but around here, you can say "Thanks but no thanks" if they suggest Ritalin - and the consequences are if Finster is disruptive in class, you need to find an alternative treatment,
or they'll put him in a special class so he won't keep other students from learning, or you'll need to find a new school. Seems pretty reasonable to me.
If like the AIDS Funding for Africa Bush Administration increases
the US {Federal} funding by several times with better spending
controls then this can be a good thing for the Mentally Ill.
Especially early childhood Mental Illness. But there are always
some who see anything that "The Government" does as some Evil Plot
to 'harm them' or to 'take away their rights'.