= = = "Brenda Ann Dyer" wrote in message
= = = ...
"RHF" wrote in message
I thought that the 'primary focus' of this program was "Children".
Identifying Childhood Mental Illness early and then treating
it so that the child could have an opportunity at a 'normal' life;
before most of their Learning Years are 'wasted' due to the illness.
We may not Test them all...
We may not Help them all...
We may not Cure them all...
BUT - Can we at least "TRY To Do Some Good", and attempt to make
a potentially better life for those who simply have a childhood
illness through: early detection, help, prevention and medication.
God Bless the Children - Keep them Safe from Harm ~ RHF
[ Safe from Disease and Illness. ]
Did you bother to read this part?
"a sweeping mental health
initiative that recommends screening for every citizen and promotes
the use of expensive antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs"
The kid part is a smokescreen. The people putting forth this thing figure
nobody's going to gripe about something that 'helps the children'. Try to
have open eyes. If this is true, it's something we should ALL be against,
since it has a 100% chance of being abused/misused.
My "EYES ARE OPEN" - But I do not see 'evil government'
behind every good idea to help people in need of help.
If people are 'clinically' "Ill" and need help should they not
provoded some help if they want it ? ? ? {Personal Wellbeing}
More importantly, if people are beyond clinical Illness and
are in-fact Disfunctional and Acting-in-a-Manner that is Harmful
to themselves or others, should they not be provided Help if
they want it or not ? ? ? {Public Health and Human Safety}
Should not the Homeless be provided a Home and a Safer Environment
to Live-in; vice left to slowly deteriorate and die in the streets ?
Note: I say this because the majority of the Homeless are people
who suffer from both Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Problems.
In the Spirit of Loving Kindness:
Should we not be 'our' Brother & Sisters Keepers ?