Thread: Ferrite chokes.
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  #7   Report Post  
Old June 29th 04, 08:57 AM
Posts: n/a


I will go soon to the shop to ask for some I hope they are not too
expensive! I'm going to shield all the cords at home...

Best regards.

Telamon wrote:
In article ,
Nacho wrote:

Hello Telamon.

Thanks for your reply.

Just a question, you say "the needed inductance will be in the frequency
range you are interested in blocking", but what is the needed
inductance? As high as possible, a low as possible, a defined value?

I have seen things like "Impedance: 100 at 25MHz, 200 at 100MHz". I'm
only interested in lower frequencies, in the shortwave band.. Also
bigger ferrites has higher inductace.

You want the most inductance you can get. That's why you want to use the
ferrite. Impedance here is inductive reactance.

Impedance = 2 * pi * F * L

2 times pi times the frequency times the inductance