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Old June 30th 04, 06:02 AM
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"Frank Dresser" wrote in message
Dave Frantz of WWRB said in a between show rant yesterday that he's had it
with the patriots and gold sellers. He's tired of their abuse and
mistreatment and he's tired of not getting paid.

More power to him I say!

It was Dave Franz you may recall that knocked
Mike '****head-janitor' Koernkie and his Intel
Report off the air for not paying their bills. He would
then shake an empty gallon paint can filled with loose
change in front of the microphone live and rant
on and on at how the PAY-triots never paid their bills
or in one case, allegedly tried to pay their SW bill
in "patriot script". (Baaaahahahah!!!) This of course
eventually led to Steve 'prozac-kook-boy' Anderson
going ape**** and starting his shortwave station from his
home in Ky.

Let's hope that some of these PAY-triot coin scams
go out of business and/or go ape**** and they end up
eventually in jail like Koernkie, Anderson and that
other kook from the Ky Militia who's name I forget.
Don't take much to have these kooks on shortwave
go off-the-rails, quite fun really, winde em up and watch
em spin...wheeeeee!!! (what fools they are Baaaahahahahah!)

Someone buy that guy Dave a Cigar or a Beer or a
great big box-o-Moon pies! He's OK in my book cause
he stands up to these patriot scam artists.

He want to go with evangelists only now.

There are some holes in his schedule, and this rant may get repeated.

a classic, on the level with the "Satan's World Wide Web" and "HAARP

poor propagation and killer tornados" rants.

That's what James Lloyd been ranting about of late on 7.490
There's another Koresh kook waiting to blow in Oregon.....grin!

The fun never stops on kooky shortwave fer sure. : )

B sure 2 check 5.085 WWRB 11PM to 12Midnite
for another kook spintop - Elazebeth something, a real
nutty broad and kook who talks to a sock puppet named
"barbie doll" every now and then. Her elevator don't go 2 da top.

Frank Dresser