Thread: 7275 @4:30UTC
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Old July 4th 04, 03:15 PM
Posts: n/a

dxAce wrote:

Michael Bryant wrote:

From: "Jim Douglas"

Listening to 7275 and trying to verify it's origin. Get lot's of results
from the various databases, is it Radio TUNIS? Is this a common station? I
have checked their (TunisRadio) web site and was not able to confirm
anything? The music is great to listen to while working late!

It's probably R. Tunis. The ID at the top of the hour sounds like they are
saying "Huna Tooney" Can also be ID'd by checking for parallel broadcasts on
12005 and 9720. Yep, their MidEastern music is even better than R. Kuwait's.

But some folks here will tell you that everything I say is a lie and that I
don't even own a radio.....

Most everything you do say is a lie, you just got lucky with that one!

You are a sick MF'er, and really need to get help.

Please! Don't call me on the phone or send me an email asking for help.

Perhaps Louisville Technical Institute has a program where you can get some

Give 'em a call. In case you've forgotten the number where you work, here it is:


And if you've spent all your money this fine holiday weekend on drugs or Cheeto's
try the toll free number: 1-800-844-6528

But don't call me! Don't email me either!