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Old July 5th 04, 08:15 AM
Rob Mills
Posts: n/a

"Groom Lake" wrote in message
In Message-ID:9i4Gc.1747$%w5.1570@okepread05 posted on Sun, 4 Jul 2004

Latter when the Browning labs introducedtheir "Eagle" series, I often

wondered why the TR switch they used was configured to produce that feedback

Ok, I'll fess up; I had the eagles but mine refused to ping after I built a
Wayne Green circuit (I think he nick named it the "Mule Box") which was a
clamp tube circuit that ran the Brownies double sideband reduced carrier. It
drove the locals nuts watching their s meters going nuts. I wasn't much into
gab but enjoyed tinkering with the equipment more than gabbing on them so
soon sold out except for a CB I used in the truck. I drove an 18 for a
living and retired in 84 and haven't keyed anything since. RM~