"Burr" wrote in message
Lets Start a Parade,
This is going to be a big parade for the wonderful Republican Party.
are all going to meet at Middle America and form up.
Brenda gets to lead with two batons, she can wear her strawberry print
(sleeveless) with red, white & blue hat (cocked to the right, far right).
Her batons will have red white & blue streamers on each end. We expect a
of stuffing in the front of her upper dress, she has enough in the lower
Steve can play the trombone wearing his red white & blue stilt pants
(about three feet stilts), long sleeved shirt with suspenders. He can have
his man ready radio backpack (radio content) on so he can keep us informed
of the latest BS from the left and tell us where they will be laying in
to fly their banners and burn their medals.
We are going to let Mike join us with his tuba, he just sounds like a
tuba man and he's not sure who he wants to vote for anyway, maybe who ever
talks the loudest on election day.
I am going to strut alongside with my New Orleans umbrella hat pumping
up and down to the beat of the big base drum stripped to my back with a
harmonica mounted in front of my mouth, cymbals between my knees (big jock
strip required) shoes with steel taps on the toes and heels.
God Bless America,
Long Live The Republican Party.
Vote "RIGHT"
Vote Republican
I want what he's on. :-)