ASCENSION BBCWS Relay 17.830 1955 GMT English 333
July 11th YL interviewing two OMs on Insugency in Ieaq, then a HIV
promo at 1958 hrs. OM with BBCWS ID at 1959 hrs. Followed by the Time Pips
and OM with a newscast at 2000 hrs. Mackenzie-CA.
CANADA Radio Korea Intl Relay 9.580 0234 GMT English
544 July 11th YL with comments on weight loss no the World friendship
program by YL and OM ancrs. OM with an ID at 0257 hrs and off the air by
0259 hrs. //15575 [232] via Korea. MacKenzie-CA.
RWANDA Voice of Germany Relay 17.860 1949 hrs German
444 July 11th Two YLs and OM with comments plus music interludes.
//13810 [Nil as frequency was covered by Dr Gene Scott programing [555].
SPAIN Radio Exterior Espana-REE 21.700 1925 GMT Spanish
333 July 11th
YL and OM with comments also some vocal music interludes. //15110 [444],
17850 [444], and 11815 [333]. MacKenzie-CA.
UNITED STATES WWCR 5.070 0210 GMT English 544
July 11th Allan Graham with the DX Party Line and the So Pacific DX
Repoprt plus Tips for Real Living then an interview with Jeff White at 0220
hrs. Glenn Hauser's World of Radio at 0231 hrs. MacKenzie-CA.
UNITED STATES WYFR 21.455 1940 GMT French 333
July 11th OM with comments followed by piano music, then a YL at 1942
hrs with a WYFR ID. IDS at 1945 hrs and off the air. MacKenzie-CA.
UNITED STATES WYFR 18.890 1946 GMT English 322
July 11th OM with comments about the Bible. MacKenzie-CA.
UNKNOWN Two Stations???? 17.640 Chinese and unknown
language 333 July 11th YL with comments in an unknown
language. She did mention Jugoslavia in English. 2nd station had choir music
with a YL ancr in Chinese plus an OM ancr. Both were fading in and out over
each other. WHO?? MacKenzie-CA.
Stewart H. MacKenzie, WDX6AA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Meet"