What to do with lots of receivers and lots of antennas?
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July 16th 04, 04:35 PM
Eric F. Richards
Posts: n/a
(AComarow) wrote:
A multicoupler.
The creme de la creme can be found at
Internally, Stridsberg uses Mini-Circuits multicouplers. You can buy
the packaged deal from Mini-Circuits directly for significantly
cheaper than Stridsberg.
I'm not knocking Stridsberg -- I have several of their multicouplers
myself -- but you pay more for them (him) to put the mini-circuits
component on their own PC board and package.
Eric F. Richards,
"Making me root for a sanctimonious statist blowhard like Kerry isn't
the worst thing Bush has done to the country. But it's the offense
that I take most personally."
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