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Old July 16th 04, 06:39 PM
John Byrns
Posts: n/a

In article , Patrick Turner

John Byrns wrote:

In article , Patrick Turner

John Byrns wrote:

In article , Patrick Turner

I have seen no reference of your interpretive methodology in any
text books, and the text book methods to which I adhere to explain
it all nicely, and I don't have any intention of going right through
all that long and tortuous discussion again.

And I wouldn't ask you to, if you notice I am not disputing your method,
I am simply disputing your apparent claim that my method is invalid. I
would ask you for one favor though, could you cite some of the textbooks
that explain your method so nicely?

I would have a dozen on my shelf which explain radio theory sufficiently
well, including RDH4, and 11 others.

Ahh, the old weapons of mass destruction excuse, you have the RDH4 and 11
other text books, and yet you can't come up with a citation for your

I won't have the same books as you have, but apart from RDH4,
I have Terman's Radio Engineering,
about 6 different dated copies of ARRL,
The british Communications Handbook, 5th Ed,
Phillips Radio Paractice, Essentials of Radio by Sluurzberb&Osterfield,
Applied Electronics by the staff of the Dept of Massacgusets insitute of

Electrical and Electronic Engineering by John D Ryder,

Of those I have at least the RDH4, and Terman's Radio Engineering, plus
possibly one or two more, how about some page numbers where I can find an
explanation of your definition of the rate of increase of the attenuation
of a tank circuit around resonance?

and I am too lazy to copy out the titles of the other approximate 10 books
I have read on old fashioned electronics which all describe filters the same
way, but not the way you do.

Well I guess that about says it all, you are simply one of those old
fashioned blokes who can't change his ways to adopt newer and better

If you wanna uphold your methods, go write a book.

I suppose I could, but why, I am not a textbook author, and my methods are
not original with me, I am not nearly that clever. As I have said before
I took them straight out of the modern filter design textbooks, the books
on this subject have already been written by others, many times over, the
field is way too crowded. You need to expand your reading list beyond
those smelly old radio textbooks, the old blokes didn't know everything,
you might learn something new from some more up to date reading, if you
can even call it that.

All the books backing up what I am saying are on the shelves for you to read.

Page numbers please, if you can't cite page numbers it is nothing more
than BS! Don't worry, I'm not going to hold my breath waiting, or
anything like that.


John Byrns

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