1170 (WWVA) West Virginia reception in NYC
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July 17th 04, 07:15 AM
Beloved Leader
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(Radioman390) wrote in message ...
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) prohibits listening to radio
signals not directed to you.
Hahahaha. I love it.
West Virginia was formed from the western part of Virginia and did not
become a state until June 20, 1863. Since that act predates the
Protection of Decency in Radio Reception Act by 140 years, residents
of Virginia are "grandfathered" in and can listen to WWVA with no fear
of legal repercussions.
WWVA is one of the hugest flamethrowers in the eastern US and comes in
quite well here in northern VA at night. I'm not surprised it can be
heard in NYC. It can propbably be heard in Halifax and on the surface
of the Moon for that matter.
Thanks for the warning.
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