I don't know anything about Marx (unless you mean Julius Marx). I do
enjoy thinking like an anarchist libertarian from time to time; I was
fired from Pacifica for being too right wing.
I actually think I am opposed to the prevailing power structure.
Therefore, if the Nazis are in charge, I must be a liberal (subject to
''1 a singular or plural in construction : the choice part : CREAM
the elite of the entertainment world b singular or plural in
construction : the best of a class superachievers who dominate the
computer elite -- Marilyn Chase c singular or plural in construction
: the socially superior part of society how the elite live -- A P
World how the F.-speaking elite ... was changing -- Economist d : a
group of persons who by virtue of position or education exercise much
power or influence members of the ruling elite the intellectual
elites of the country e : a member of such an elite -- usually used
in plural the elites ..., pursuing their studies in Europe -- Robert
--m-w dot com
On Sun, 18 Jul 2004 14:11:40 -0500, "Stinger"
"David" wrote in message
.. .
''Liberal Media Elite''???
Where do you get this ****?
On 18 Jul 2004 02:56:38 -0700, (RHF) wrote:
The Liberal
Media Elite are slowly letting it out a few photos at a time up
to the day of the election; in order to try and influence the
outcome of the election day-by-day; week-by-week; month-by-month
{against President George "W" Bush} for John 'ff' Kerry and the
You're right, David -- you're liberal (hell, you've even mentioned you're a
Marxist and an "anarchist" in this group), but you're far too big a dummy to
ever be considered elite.
-- Stinger